Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Flip it Fitness

Students flip a coin then do the designated exercise that is given for HEADS/TAILS for each flip. Let's start moving!

Mini Foosball Game + Bonus Activity!

Using cardboard, straws, and paperclips, create a mini foosball game. Bonus activity - Headless Robot Papercraft (you’ll need access to a printer). Get building!

Video Game Music

Learn about the history of video game music, listen to some famous pieces and compose your own! Start your journey here.

Trick Photography

Discover different ways to create optical illusions while taking photographs.  Get directions here!

Join Global Read Aloud

Join the Google Meet on Wednesday Oct. 14 from 11:45-12:30 to continue hearing Prairie Lotus by Linda Sue Park. View this presentation to learn how you can binge watch the first 2 sessions anytime.

20 Minute Workout for Kids

Participate in a 20 minute workout that is easy to follow and do at home! Get moving now.

Explore Pixilart

Check out a fun drawing website for creative minds who want to learn more about digital art & basic programming. Get started here.

Family Treasure Hunt

Create a play with members of your family! Click for directions.

Inktober - New Challenges Each Day!

Join the internet craze and practice your drawing abilities with these daily challenges - it's something new every day! Try InkTober