Thursday, September 24, 2020

Body: Towel Fitness Challenge

Find a safe place to do this fitness challenge
Details on Towel Fitness Challenge

Design a paper airplane

Design a paper airplane to meet your set goal(s). Many unique models to try!

What's in a Name?

Learn to sample music in Garage Band using your name as the sample!

How to do What’s in a name

Recreate A Work Of Art

Use common household items to recreate famous works of art!

Mind: Mindful Space

Create a peaceful spot in your room that will serve as a reminder to pause in your day.

Who was RBG?

Explore: Why Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so important.

Marshmallow Design Challenge

Can you build the tallest freestanding structure in 18 minutes?

How to do the Marshmallow Design Challenge

"Found" Music

Create music with sounds you hear or create around you!

How to make "found" Music

Build A Bee

Create a bee sculpture using a cereal box!